Rosendal – Press & News
Latest news and press coverage of Rosendal Castle are to be found here. Feel free to contact us if You have any inquiries or anything else related to press and media on info@rosendals-slott.com.
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Press & News

22 September 2023
Ready to make You sweat – the Rosedal gym is ready
The old horse stable from 1615 has found a new purpose and become Rosendals Slott new fitness and gym room. The stable has undergone a very careful restoration with emphasis on maintaining the original layout and details of the barn.
Gym equipment has been selected to compliment the original look and feel however without comprimising on functionality and quality. The same goes with the lighting design which takes its inspiration from the world of horse riding. The old coffins have also been restored along with the sleeping bench of the old stable boy – and found their way back into the gym.
We hope our guests will take great joy in breaking a sweat in our new gym room.

6 September 2023
Rosendal co-sponsors KidsAid event
On Wednesday evening Rosendals Slott was hosting one of KidsAid Denmarks events to support the important work the organisation does for kids with illnesses and their families both inside and outside the hospitals.
As co-sponsors of the event were Michelin renowned chefs Thomas Rode and Thomas Hermann who put together an exquisite gastronomic experience.
The KidsAid sponsorship is part of our focus on helping younger children and is a natural extension of our sponsorship of OV Helsingborgs Handball School for Everyone that is dedicated to helping integrate and educate young children of immigrants in the Helsingborg area.

20 March 2023
Rosendals Slot endelig åbent for arrangementer
Med de sidste tilladelser i hus kan Rosendals Slot nu slå dørene op for dit næste private arrangement eller forretningsmøde i omgivelser, som er noget lidt udover det sædvanlige. “Efter 6 års renovering er det med stor glæde, at vi endelig åbne dørene, og forhåbentligt byde en masse spændende mennesker og liv velkommen på slottet” udtaler Gregers Mikkelsen.
Designet til nærvær og den gode samtale tilbyder Rosendal skræddersyede arrangementer med plads til grupper på 4 – 20 mennesker.

24 October 2022
Han havde lovet sig selv aldrig at købe noget med spir og voldgrav
Poul Martin Mikkelsen har tjent milliarder på naturlige fibre til personlig hygiejne, og nogle af pengene har udenlandsdanskeren fra Vestjylland nu sat i et svensk renæssanceslot. Nysgerrighed og længslen mod skønhed har drevet ham frem.

23 October 2022
Renaissance Castle comes back to life
Vad är en dag på slottet? Den som är beredd att betala 30 000 kronor kan få svaret.
Familjen som renoverat Rosendals slott i Helsingborg vill nu få in mer liv bakom murarna. Här tar Gregers Mikkelsen HD:s läsare på en rundtur i det renoverade drömprojektet.

26 April 2022
One step closer to opening – Rosendal launches new website
“Finally we are one step closer to opening up Rosendals Slott for guests,” says Gregers Mikkelsen, CCO of Rosendals Slott. After 6 years of careful restoration the website marks an important milestone in presenting the renewed Rosendal to future private or business clients who wish to rent the castle for their next event or business meeting.
“We want Rosendal to be an invitation into an exclusive space where our guests can come together and feel right at home. It is our hope that our new website will leave visitors with this impression” says Gregers Mikkelsen.